Saturday, December 11, 2010

Chapter 8 - The Near-Death December

Yes, December is unfortunately coming to and end, which means the start of school begins in a few weeks. So much for keeping long hair when you're forced to keep it short once school conquer the holidays. Makes you ask yourself, 'why for goodness' sake has your hairstyle got to do with education?'

So during these few weeks at home, Steve did nothing. He was thinking of exercising during the holidays, but when the holidays came, the laziness spoiled every inspiration he had.

Nothing much happened during the one and a half months, except his beloved smartphone slipping off his hands and ended up landing on a hard table in a restaurant, hurting it's screen, which was then broken, and was in extreme need for a repair, or else the whole handset would've been plain useless.

Holidays, better do what you got to do before you run out of them and crave for more.

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