Sunday, December 19, 2010

Chapter 10 - 'Idiots Never Have Good Things, Because They Break Everything Before Anyone Ever Knew They Had Any Of Them' v1.1

4.10 in the evening, left the building and headed for a friend's house to pick up some really good gifts. Reached there at about 5 in the evening. After few minutes, started the journey and reached the repair centre at about 5.30 in the evening. Left the repair centre at about 6 in the evening and reached home at about 6.30 in the evening.

Well, from then on, Steve was officially separated from his beloved smartphone for at least a week. That experience made him realize that no matter how careful and responsible he can be, accidents will always happen, and if it happens all the time, it's either time to be more careful and responsible, or it's because he's an idiot in taking care of his belongings.

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