It all started when he brought his phone to school, since many people were doing so, when others were bringing cards and board games, since it was the last day of school. That day also happened to be the last day of afternoon school for his year.
In school, at one corner. He texted Dorothy, since she was at home. They started texting, and every start comes to a stop, so after they stopped, he played some games and spent time with his friends before it was going to be few weeks before he could see them again. When it was time to unveil the papers with all those results, he asked the teacher about Eddie's results, as asked by Eddie to do so, and found out that no one was allowed to see what their friends got. So he texted Eddie about the rules, and after a text, he just went to a corner closest to the teacher, which so happened to be right behind the teacher, as what he usually does sometimes when he's bored. When Eddie replied, the message tone came out of his pocket, and the teacher heard it, loudly and clearly. He just laughed, since he couldn't do anything, and since it was funny.
Went home, told SilverMoon and Edward about his experience of getting caught texting for the first time of his phone's illegal visits to the school.
Remember, it's just a flashback.